Change instructional text language

Last modified: April 30, 2020
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On the right of the Edit page you will see the language button Language ButtonClick the button to open a list of available translations. Select a language from the list and click OK. This will show a translation of the instructional texts, provided that your chosen exercises have been translated into the selected language.

Not all exercises are available in all languages in the list.
If you have written your own instructional text before you choose to change the language, your text version will not be translated. What is shown is a translation of the original version of the instructional text. We recommend that you change the language version before altering the text.

By default, and if available, the instructional texts are displayed in the language that you selected when you registered your client (if you changed the starting language – English – to something else when you registered your client on the CLIENTS page).

When you search for your exercises on the Exercises page, you will see that all exercises have a menu button. Menu ButtonClick and select Show text and other properties to see which languages ​​that particular exercise has been translated into.
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