Finding clients’ exercise programs

Last modified: March 9, 2021
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Finding saved clients

To find an exercise program that you have saved for a particular client, go to the Clients page. (see image below).

Finding Clients

You can either start to type the name of the client in the Find clients box at the top left of the page (see above image) or use the quick keys 7, 14, 21, 28 Infinity button under the heading Find my clients by date.

Finding saved exercise programs

After Finding your saved client, click the name of your client to see the client information (see image below).

All saved exercise programs for this client are listed below the client information under the heading Documented exercise sets.

An exercise program can be saved and signed only after you have printed, emailed or sent it to the Physiotools Trainer client app.
If you would rather save an exercise program to a particular client record without printing it first, you can do so on the Edit page – select Save as and choose the Client.

Opening a saved exercise program

If you click on the line for the exercise program that you wish to open, several buttons will appear at the bottom right of the page (see image below).

Print button allows you to print/send/email a copy of the exercise program.

Edit Buttontakes you to the Edit page. If the exercise program is signed, an exact copy of the program is created on the Edit page. The copy can be edited but the signed original remains unchanged. If the program status is draft, any change made will be saved over the original.

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