Managing Users

Last modified: August 11, 2020

Quick guide to editing existing user information

  1. Click AdminUsers
  2. Select the user, click Edit
  3. Amend the required fields, make certain they have an email address
  4. Click Save
  5. If you have amended their username and/or password, Click Send login details to users

 Quick guide to deactivating a user

  1. Click AdminUsers
  2. Select the user, click Edit
  3. Untick Enabled user
  4. Click Save

Searching for a user

To search for a previously registered user, go to Admin – Users (see image below).  At the top left of the Users page you will see Search for. Enter part or the entire name of the user in the search field. To perform the search, either click the arrow directly to the right of the search bar or press the Enter key on your keyboard.

The search results are listed in the field at the bottom left of the Users page. To access the User information, click on the correct name in the results list (see image below).

You can use the Search Order drop down list to arrange your search result according to different criteria. To see all users, click Show inactive users.

Finding A User

Editing a user

When you have retrieved the user information, click the Edit button on the right of the page (see image above).

The user information form opens so you can make any changes. When you have finished, click the Save button on the right of the page.

Deactivating a user

If you have a user who no longer needs access to your installation, you must deactivate the user. Open the user’s account by following the procedure described above under the heading Editing a user. In the form that opens, you will see Enabled user, uncheck this box and then click Save. This will lock the account and the user will no longer have access to your installation of Physiotools.

All history remains with the user account created in Physiotools, even after the account has been disabled. The account itself remains.

It is important that you disable user accounts for those people who no longer work within your organisation. Physiotools is web-based which means that it can be accessed via the internet even outside your organisation.

To search for disabled user accounts, check the box Show inactive users on the left of the search form

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