Creating templates

Last modified: March 17, 2021
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A very effective way to speed up the creation of exercise programs is to put together common exercises and save them as templates.  You can easily customize the template to fit the current client, by deleting or adding exercises as required.

To create a template, click on the Create a new template button on the Home page.


Select the exercises and click Edit to make any required changes. Click Preview and make any final adjustments. Remember to type a Title of exercise set.

We suggest you do not complete the number of repetitions, weights etc. in the template itself, but add them when you use the template with a particular client.

Click the Print/send/save button.

Save as a template will automatically be ticked.

Click OK and the Save template dialogue box opens, this window displays the information that applies to the template.

Template tab

Template visible (see image above). Select who can see your template:

  • For me: only you can see and use the template.
  • For my site: your colleagues who belong to the same site as you can see and use the template.
  • For all: anyone who has access to your installation can see and use the template.
You can see which site you belong to by looking at the top right corner of the page. The site is displayed enclosed in brackets after your user name.

Search words tab (see image below).

Assign search words from the Physiotools search categories to your template by selecting from the search words in the search words tab.

By clicking +Add word, you activate the search word selection (see image below). This allows you to assign search terms to your exercise according to the existing categories on the Exercises page. These can be used later when searching for suitable templates.

If the desired term is missing from the Physiotools selection, it is possible to add new search words to use with the Free Text Search by typing in the Search words box (see image below).

Write the full search term in the Search Words input field, and then click Create new search word.  The program then asks if you want to save the search word as a new search term in Free Text Search. When you accept, the term will be assigned to your exercise/template.

Search words that you have already selected appear as green fields and can be removed by clicking on the X if necessary.

Module tab (see image below).

You will see a list of previously saved modules where you may choose to save the current template or click on New to create a new module for your template. A dialogue box opens where you enter a title for the Module, and you can decide who should see the module.

When the title and visibility of the module is specified, click the Save button. The dialogue box will close. In the underlying window you will see the new template saved in the module that you have just created.

It is not necessary to place templates in special modules to easily find them again. The search system makes it very easy to find created templates quickly.

Summary tab (see image below).

Shows an overview of your specified information for the template. If you are happy with it, click the Finish button and the template will be saved.

IMPORTANT: Do not close the Save template window using Cancel, otherwise your entire exercise selection will be deleted and you will be returned to the  Home page.  If you notice that the scheduled template is still missing an exercise or you want to make other changes, stop, click Finish and then edit the template as normal.
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